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Rogers Lake Authority Minutes 06/13/2018
A meeting of the Rogers Lake Authority (RLA) was convened at the Rogers Lake Clubhouse at 7:30 PM on May 9th.  The following members were present: Dennis Overfield, Robert Recor, Toni Phillips, Mark Hastings, Tom Baehr and Dick Smith.  Nine local attendees were also present. The minutes were typed by Nicole Krol.
The meeting of the Rogers Lake Authority was called to order at 7:34pm by Dennis Overfield.
The minutes from May were read aloud, Dick made a motion to accept the minutes, Bob second, the motion passed unanimously.
Lake Patrol
The RLA increased the patrol schedule, they are out on the lake Tuesday and Thursday nights, there is an attendee at the launch and Dick is still looking for another person to fill in as necessary. The boat was put in just before Memorial Day.
Dennis received notice the weed treatment application would take place on June 11th, he received notice one week prior.  Dennis asked Solitude who picked the treatment date he indicated it was Bonnie.  
SWCA started their weed survey around noon on Tuesday, June 5. ~At the end of the day they reported that they were not finding a lot of weeds after surveying the Lyme end of the lake. ~The thought was the weeds had not really started to show much growth. ~They did find one spot of Fanwort near right of way 13 in West Shores. ~Phone calls were made between Scott Fisher and Bonnie Reemsnyder and the decision was made to continue the survey for the rest of the areas that were treated last year.
The survey continued on Wednesday, June 6, for over 10 hours. ~The survey was completed by the end of the day. ~
On Monday, June 11, Solitude came and applied the Clipper herbicide. ~Based on the survey done by SWCA, the treatment area was reduced to 23.5 acres. ~The previous two years the treatment area was 44 acres. ~Solitude observed weeds in the previously treated areas, but was reluctant to treat these areas. ~This fact has been communicated to Bonnie and discussions are ongoing as to how to continue.
The treated areas from previous years and this year were highlighted in maps provided.
Of concern from the survey was the identification of two new invasive weeds. ~They are the curly leaf pond weed and the parrot feather weed. ~The parrot feather was clearly introduced at the launch ramp area and probably came from an aquarium that was emptied there. ~The discarded aquarium was seen in this area by patrol boat personnel last summer. ~The recommendation is that we pull the parrot feather soon before it spreads further into the lake.
Bonnie asked if the RLA would pull the weed, Dennis inquired about what the weed looked like and how to remove it, a photo was provided of the weed and not sure how to remove it. The curly pond weed found behind islands and by the launch ramp may be eliminated by the clipper herbicide.  A local attendee said that every time a boat clips the weed with its propeller it is spreading more.  Dennis will find out the proper way to pull the weed and how to dispose of it before it is done.  Jen and Cody have offered to pull the weeds. Toni made a motion to hire two people to pull the parrot feather plants from the lake, with directions on how to remove, Dick second, motion passed unanimously.
Toni stated the RLA should have an active part on the weed treatment plans, she felt the board should write a letter to the towns letting them know the RLA would like to have an active part in the process, there is no one else whom may be better vested in the quality of the lake, all board members and attendees agreed.  Dennis will send an email to the town representatives to find out more information.  Dennis will also draft a letter to address the boards concerns and request an active role in the planning/execution of the lake treatment and have it for the board to review and sign at the next meeting.  Observation made by an attendee:  the application boats were different from last season, Dennis confirmed the application was the same.  Dennis stated there are many people who come from out of town to use the lake, DEEP needed two weeks’ notice of the weed treatment in order to close the lake to the public, they did not receive notice in time, the launch attendant was in place and able to let boaters know the lake was being treated and they should stay off the lake.   In the future it would be best to have advance notice of the herbicide treatment.
In order to purchase weed mats the town would like an action plan.  There are two weed mats available. Tom would like a mat to deploy at his neighbor’s house.
Money was spent on preparing the patrol boat for the season and the lettering on the side of the boat.  There is about 35% of the budget remaining.
Old Business
The three boats found and not claimed have been disposed of.  An attendee asked about the outcome of the Stanley letter, Scott Fisher has received the letter and Dennis is not sure if he has responded.
New Business
A dedicated phone has been provided for the RLA patrol boat and the number has been applied to the side of the boat.  The board welcomed Mark Hastings and thanked him for joining RLA.  Dennis received a request from Jen Thomas to put in a 40ft dock. Jen explained her plans for the dock and is here to run it by the RLA.  The board looked at the google maps image and the dock design.  The board members discussed, Dennis’ recommendation was to put a solar light at the end of the dock for safety. Town ordinance states docks should be 50ft or less.  Dick made the motion to approve the dock with a light installed at the end, Mark second, motion passed unanimously.
Dennis asked if anyone has a contact to create the shirts for the RLA, Toni will reach out to her contact to purchase the shirts and possibly a brimmed hat.  Discussion took place on what type of shirt to order, safety colors and a polo shirt were suggestions, the wording should say “Rogers Lake Authority”.  The money has been set aside in the budget for the purchase of the shirts, Toni will notify the board when she receives the quote.
There is a fishing tournament on June 24th.
An attendee asked if the town still hired Honkers LLC for geese patrol.  The answer is yes, she has been active at both Haynes Park and Town Woods.
Toni mentioned the CT confederate of lakes conference has forms for lake side residents to fill out with compliance, a pledge, plus $25 you will receive a plaque that says “lake smart home”.

A motion to adjourn was made by Dick, Toni second, motion passed by unanimous vote.  The meeting ended at 8:28 PM.  
Respectfully submitted,
Nicole Krol, Secretary for RLA,   
The next meeting of the Rogers Lake Association will be on July 11th, at 7:30PM at the Rogers Lake
West Shores Clubhouse.